- 浪涌保护器K-LB-1.30
型号:K-LB-1.30 型号:K-LB-1.30 加工定制:否 标称放电电流:1 响应时间:1 s 最大操作电压:1 最大放电电流:1 温度范围:1 是否跨境货源:否 南京元一工业自动化设备有限公司
浪涌保护器 K-LB-1.30
- 1 通道
- DIN rail mount module
- For 30 V IS or Non-IS applications
- Protects field or control circuit inputs
- Max. surge current (8/20) 20 kA
- Provides 500 V DC of isolation
- Uninterruptable operation (auto reset)
2-wire protection 供电电气特性Conformity周围环境机械特性Data for application in connection with Ex-areasInternational approvals
连接器 protected area: terminals 7, 8
unprotected area: terminals 1, 2额定电压 ≤ 30 V 额定电流 ≤ 250 mA Leakage current ≤ 5 μA On-state voltage ≤ 45 V Ground insulation 500 V breakdown voltage Nominal discharge current (8/20) 10 kA per core, 5 kA per core (10x) Max. surge current (8/20) 20 kA per core, 10 kA per core (1x) 防护等级 IEC 60529 环境温度 -30 ... 80 °C (-22 ... 176 °F) for Ex application, please observe EC-Type Examination Certificate 防护等级 IP20 重量 approx. 100 g 外形尺寸 12.5 x 114 x 110 mm (0.5 x 4.5 x 4.3 in) EC-类型 鉴定证书 PTB 00 ATEX 2176X , for additional certificates see www.pepperl-fuchs.com Group, category, type of protection, temperature class II 2(1)G Ex ia IIC T6 指令符合 94/9/EC 指令 EN 60079-0:2012+A11:2013 , EN 60079-11:2012 CSA 认证 控制图 116-0187 (cCSAus) IECEx approval IECEx BAS 14.0010X -